June, 13 - 14 2024
Bucerius Law School (BLS)
The video recordings of 11th Round Table Cocoa Hamburg can now be watched using the following link:
Unfortunately, the video files from the morning of the first day were damaged. The technicians are still trying to recover the files.
The 11th Round Table Cocoa ended with a record number of participants. This time, 180 scientists and company representatives came to Hamburg, to discuss about planting systems, primary post-harvest processing and cocoa bean quality. One focus was on improving the exchange with farmers, with the aim of making existing scientific findings more widely applicable, in order to mitigate the impact of climate change. The latter was described as one of the central reasons for the crop failures in West Africa, which in turn contributed significantly to the sharp increase in cocoa prices. In this context, also the idea for a multi-stakeholder project, aiming at the selection of cacao trees with natural resistance to the central diseases Cocoa Swollen Shoot Virus, Black Pod, Frosty Pod, Witches Broom and Vascular Streak Dieback was presented and further developed. In the next step, the initiators will organize an international workshop with the support of CAOBISCO and ECA. We will keep you updated about the further planning through the Round Table website and also via email, if desired.
We would like to take the opportunity to thank you once again for the numerous participation in the Round Table Cocoa Hamburg 2024, which we are extremely pleased about.
The 12th Round Table Cocoa Hamburg is scheduled for 11 and 12 June 2026.
We have made some smaller updates in the program of the Round Table Cocoa. You can find the final version here.
Welcome to the 11th Round Table Cocoa on 13 and 14 June in Hamburg!
Cocoa Prices have seen a dramatic increase over the past months. During the introductory presentation we will look at the root causes of this development, amongst them shortages in the supply, and the reasons for the shortages. Throughout the program, the presenters will highlight, how research can contribute to avoid such shortages in the mid and long term. This contribution requires an improvement in the communication of research results to cocoa farmers, as highlighted during the International Symposium on Cocoa Research. Under the Round Table guiding theme “Empowering Knowledge Transfer”, our intention is to show up and discuss ways, at small and at large scale, how this communication improvement could be achieved.
Historically, like during all previous symposia, cocoa bean quality will self-evidently also be in the center of attention of the Round Table Cocoa 2024. Presentations will look at new insights about the impact of primary post-harvest processing techniques as well as of the cacao tree genetics on quality. Special emphasize will be put on the development of fruity aroma notes, as well as on off-flavors. Summarizing some of these findings, an AI-based approach to analyze flavor quality will be presented.
Finally, in the light of the planned introduction of maximum levels for MOAH, the speakers will address the progress of the Technical Working Group on MOH and propose a benchmark level for MOH in jute bags.
I am very much looking forward to welcoming you in Hamburg.
With my best Regards,
Dr. Daniel Kadow
Representatives from leading universities are speaking in 2021 about current research topics. This years key topics are cocoa bean quality, post-harvest treatment and planting systems for the future.
Representatives of leading universities and companies
Institution: School of the Environment, The University of Queensland, Australia
Empowering Knowledge Transfer – From research on planting systems, fermentation and cocoa bean quality to application by farmers and industry
Institution: H.C.C.O Hanseatic Cocoa & Commodity Office GmbH Germany
The current cocoa price development - background, root cause analysis, outlook.
Institution: School of the Environment, The University of Queensland, Australia
Plantings Systems: Mapping cocoa agroforestry from space: using artificial intelligence to measure shade tree cover and carbon stocks, revealing the untapped potential of cocoa agroforestry for sustainable cocoa production in West Africa
Institution: Department of Biosciences, Durham University, United Kingdom
Plantings Systems: Cross-pollination in cocoa: exploring ecology, exchanging ideas - Working with farmers to identify and sustainably manage cocoa pollinators for increased yield
Institution: National Institute of Agricultural Biology (NIAB), East Malling, United Kingdom
Plantings Systems: Cross-pollination in cocoa: exploring ecology, exchanging ideas - Working with farmers to identify and sustainably manage cocoa pollinators for increased yield
Institution: Food Biotechnology, ZHAW School of Life Sciences and Facility Management, Switzerland
Fermentation: From standard fermentation to pod storage, predrying and depulping - An international comparison of fermentation methods and their impact on product quality
Institution: Food Biotechnology, ZHAW School of Life Sciences and Facility Management, Switzerland
Fermentation: From standard fermentation to pod storage, predrying and depulping - An international comparison of fermentation methods and their impact on product quality
Institution: Food Biotechnology, ZHAW School of Life Sciences and Facility Management, Switzerland
Fermentation: From standard fermentation to pod storage, predrying and depulping - An international comparison of fermentation methods and their impact on product quality
Institution: Food Metabolome Chemistry Leibniz Institute for Food Systems Biology at the Technical University of Munich Germany
Impact of fermentation, drying and storage on the formation of important off-flavor compounds in cocoa
Institution: Global Head of Regulatory and Scientific Affairs Cocoa, Ofi Netherlands
MOAH contamination in cocoa - Migration from jute bags, a proposal for a jute bag benchmark level and the correlation with unsaponifiables
Institution: Chemistry for Sustainable Food and Environmental Systems University of Liège Belgium
MOAH contamination in cocoa - Migration from jute bags, a proposal for a jute bag benchmark level and the correlation with unsaponifiables
Institution: Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL Switzerland
The fruits of cocoa agroforestry - Cacao Field Lab: participatory field research in the Peruvian Amazon
Institution: Project coordinator Choba Choba Foundation Switzerland
The fruits of cocoa agroforestry - Cacao Field Lab: participatory field research in the Peruvian Amazon
Institution: Centre for Crop Systems Analysis, Wageningen University and Research, Netherlands
Plantings Systems: Sustainable cocoa production: an interplay of climate change, soil management and staying within current production areas
Institution: Scientific Coordinator, Botanical Garden, University of Hamburg, Germany
Moniliophthora perniciosa in Angola, Africa - the first record in the Eastern Hemisphere
Institution: Leader of the Unit: Agroforestry and Breeding of Coffee and Cacao, CATIE, Costa Rica
Cacao genetic resources and agroforestry experience of CATIE for productivity, pest management, and adaptation/mitigation
Institution: Agroecology Georg-August-University Göttingen Germany
Conserving and expanding cacao’s genetic diversity: Co-development of grafting strategies with cacao smallholder cooperatives towards sustainable growth in the production of native fine or flavor cacao.
Institution: Climate Action Alliance of Bioversity International and CIAT Colombia
ACLIMATAR - A climate adaptation planning tool for cocoa.
Institution: Head of Department Cacao and Research, Rausch Management GmbH, Germany
Cocoa Bean Quality: "Fine or Flavour" cacao: origin, distribution and differentiation from "bulk cacao" - What influence do the variety, location parameters, degree of ripeness and post-harvest processes have?
Institution: Cocoa Research Centre The University of the West Indies Trinidad and Tobago
The Trinidad Cocoa Flavour Map: impact of genetics, microbiology and postharvest manipulation, captured through metagenomics, transcriptomics, proteomics and metabolomics, on sensomics in cacao
Institution: Integrative Food Systems Analysis Leibniz Institute for Food Systems Biology at the Technical University of Munich Germany
The Trinidad Cocoa Flavour Map: impact of genetics, microbiology and postharvest manipulation, captured through metagenomics, transcriptomics, proteomics and metabolomics, on sensomics in cacao
Institution: Food Chemistry University of Turin Italy
Flavour analysis 4.0 in cocoa industrial quality definition - Application of artificial Intelligence (AI) to flavour analysis, to improve the cocoa quality and support decision-making processes that contribute significantly to increasing efficiency, sustainability and competitiveness in the global cocoa market
sessions, panel discussions
Aldo Cristiano President of the German Cocoa and Chocolate Foundation; Dr. Daniel Kadow Program Director of the Round Table Cocoa Hamburg
Welcome to the 11th Round Table Cocoa Hamburg
Felix Christiansen H.C.C.O Hanseatic Cocoa & Commodity Office GmbH Germany
INTRODUCTION (Presentation 1)
Dr. Wilma Hart, School of the Environment, the University of Queensland, Australia
PLANTING SYSTEMS (Presentation 2)
Dr. Andreanna Welch, Department of Biosciences, Durham University, United Kingdom; Dr. Sarah Arnold, National Institute of Agricultural Biology (NIAB), East Malling, United Kingdom
PLANTING SYSTEMS (Presentation 3)
Prof. Dr. Susanne Miescher Schwenninger, Dr. Stefanie Streule, Dr. Susette Freimüller Leischtfeld, Food Biotechnology, ZHAW School of Life Sciences and Facility Management, Switzerland
Dr. Martin Steinhaus, Food Metabolome Chemistry, Leibniz Institute for Food Systems Biology at the Technical University of Munich, Germany
Michiel Kokken, Global Head of Regulatory and Scientific Affairs Cocoa, Ofi, Netherlands; Aleksandra Gorska, Chemistry for Sustainable Food and Environmental Systems, University of Liège
COCOA BEAN QUALITY (Presentation 6)
Barbora Tůmová, Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, Switzerland; Severin Hellmüller, Project coordinator, Choba Choba Foundation
Evening Lecture
Round Table Dinner
Überseebrücke, 20459 Hamburg
Prof. Dr. Niels Anten, Centre for Crop Systems Analysis, Wageningen University and Research, Netherlands
PLANTING SYSTEMS (Presentation 7)
Dr. Carolina Ocampo Ariza, Agroecology, Georg-August-University Göttingen, Germany
PLANTING SYSTEMS (Spotlight Presentation 1)
Dr. Christian Bunn, Climate Action, Alliance of Bioversity International and CIAT, Colombia
KNOWLEDGE TRANSFER (Spotlight Presentation 2) / And Podium Discussion: Empowering Knowledge Transfer
Prof. Dr. Niels Anten, Centre for Crop Systems Analysis, Wageningen University and Research, Netherlands
Dr. Thea Lautenschläger, Scientific Coordinator, Botanical Garden, University of Hamburg, Germany
Alain Chevée, Polyplants, Lausanne, Switzerland
Dr. Rolando H. Cerda B., Leader of the Unit: Agroforestry and Breeding of Coffee and Cacao, CATIE, Costa Rica
Dr. Christina Rohsius, Head of Department Cacao and Research, Rausch Management GmbH, Germanyuit pulp-based beverage
COCOA BEAN QUALITY (Presentation 8)
Dr. Darin Sukha, Cocoa Research Centre, The University of the West Indies, Trinidad and Tobago; Dr. Andreas Dunkel, Integrative Food Systems Analysis, Leibniz Institute for Food Systems Biology at the Technical University of Munich, Germany
COCOA BEAN QUALITY (Presentation 9)
Prof. Dr. Erica Liberto, Food Chemistry, University of Turin, Italy
COCOA BEAN QUALITY (Presentation 10)
Meet the most important members of the international cocoa business.
Get up to date about the recent German and international scientific cocoa projects
Where will the journey lead us? Use the opportunity and discuss recent problems!
Be part oft he process when new research projects are initiated!
Interested in a sponsorship? Contact us!
Prof. em. Dr. Reinhard Lieberei, Founder of the Round Table Cocoa Hamburg
Dr. Daniel Kadow, August Storck KG, Organizer science and programme
Stephan Musiol (Fon: +49 175 - 560 66 18 & mail: musiol@sweetvision.de),
verlag stm, public relations
Bucerius Law School (BLS)
– Helmut Schmidt Auditorium –
Jungiusstraße 6
20355 Hamburg
Dr. Daniel Kadow
via airplain: Please use the Metroline S1 to Hamburg Mainstation and chang to S11/S31 to Hamburg Dammtor. The Bucerius Law School is only 500m from Dammtor.
via car: Driver please use the parking garage Messe-Ost
via train: If you travel via Hamburg Mainstation please use Metroline S11/S31 to Hamburg Dammtor.
Dr. Daniel Kadow
Chausseestraße 56
10115 Berlin
Phone: +49 (0) 152 545 00 41
E-mail: daniel.kadow@rundertischkakao.de
Stephan Musiol
Jürgen-Töpfer-Straße 67
22763 Hamburg
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